Everyone loves freedom

That’s why Freedom Outdoor Gear
has taken that freedom to another level
Questions answered
We hope you will get the answers to any questions you may have, if not please contact us & we will happily answer them.
Q How heavy are the bench & Hide?
The bench weighs 27.5 lb
The hide weighs 12 lb
Q What are the dimensions for the bench & Hide?
The POO-RU bench closed is:
33″ x 15″ x 2.25″
The POO-RU bench open & ready to use without rests added is:
33″ x 15″ x 17″
The shooting hide assembled & ready for use is:
6-foot 6-inch radius umbrella & 72″ inches high
Q What size id the shooting stick?
The shooting/walking stick is lightweight and durable and has 2 adjustments making shooting more steady while sitting or standing. Adjusts from 32″ to 72″.
Q What's the backrest like?
The Backrest is made of high-quality steel with a 1″ thick cushion and the height can be adjusted to fit your back for added comfort.
Adjusts from 31″ to 45″
Q What's the cushion made of?
The cushion is made of 1″ thick neoprene with True Timber camo on the top. It is custom fit for the bench and makes for great support when carrying the bench on the back.
Size: 20″ x 15″ x 1″.
Q Is there a discount for bulk orders?
If you’re buying for a hunting club, for example, we can do something depending on the numbers purchased.
What others have to say about us
They were right, I bought the bench and within the week I bought the hide as well, Love them.
My wife bought it for herself, but honestly, I use it just as much, it’s so much easier.
3 important elements of our products
We have taken everything into considerations so you’ll have the freedom you want.

Highest quality molded plastic

Durable yet lightweight materials

Quality Materials
Heavy-duty zips & fastenings