Everyone loves freedom

Freedom Outdoor Gear is always here to assist both new and existing customers so that freedom is available to everyone

Please Note
If you have a question about our products please make sure you have checked our Q&A page as it may be there & could save you time & you could get your order quicker.

Our contact details

Freedom Outdoor Gear LLC
9351 Central Avenue,
Waycross, GA 31503
p: +1.912.337.2124

e: [email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00 – 5:00

If out of business hours please contact us here

8 + 11 =

What others have to say about us

They were right, I bought the bench and within the week I bought the hide as well, Love them.


South GA

My wife bought it for herself, but honestly, I use it just as much, it’s so much easier.


South GA

3 important elements of our products 

We have taken everything into considerations so you’ll have the freedom you want.


Highest quality molded plastic


Durable yet lightweight materials

Quality Materials

Heavy-duty zips & fastenings